December 01, 2012
A book titled “Journey to Freedom” has been published in Tatar language and printed in Arabic script in December 2012. Book covers brief information about Tatar history, history of 21 Tatar families settled in Australia and activities of Tatar-Bashkurt Association since its inception.
Tatar- Bashkurt Jamgiyateneng tarihi ham madani projecte ongeshle gamalga ashte. Tatar halkeneng keskacha tarihe, madaniyate, gurf – gadat yulalaren, Australiada yashawche 21 gailaneng keskacha gumer tarihen ham Tatar – Bashkurt Jamgiyateneng jamagat uchen eshlagan hezmat tarihen uz echena algan “Irkenlekka Safar” isemle tarihi kitap Tatar telenda,Garap harfenda Adelaideda baselep chekte.